About me

I am an evolutionary and quantitative ecologist with a broad interest in understanding the origin, causes, and consequences of biodiversity. I am affiliated with the Department of Ecology, Evolution & Behavior, University of Minnesota. I am a member of the ASCEND Biology Integration Institute. The ASCEND–Advancing Spectral biology in Changing ENvironments to understand Diversity–Biology Integration Institute aims to understand the causes and consequences of plant biodiversity across scales in an era of rapid global change. I am also a founder member of the Association for the advancement of the sciences of Santa Cruz and the Scientific research council of Santa Cruz for the Bolivian Academy of Sciences (Scientia Crucencis).

I am particularly interested in unraveling complex patterns of biodiversity and evaluating how macroevolutionary processes—i.e., speciation, extinction, and dispersal—as well as current and future environmental conditions, determine the patterns we observe in nature and species co-occurrence within ecological communities. The ultimate goal of my research program is to apply the insights gained from understanding the biodiversity patterns to aid existing conservation efforts and management responses to ongoing global change and biodiversity loss.

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