Models are tools to understand the real world and…they can sharpen our intuition about ecological mechanisms. Even the simplest model, which may match no living system, can be useful. –William Murdoch
Understanding patterns in terms of the processes that produce them is the essence of science. –Simon A. Levin
Supervised co-authors are indicated by: † = Undergraduate; †† = Graduate.
Equal contribution or co-first authorship = ¶
- Pinto-Ledezma, J.N., S. Díaz, B. Halpern, C. Khoury & J. Cavender-Bares. 2024. No branch left behind: tracking terrestrial biodiversity from a phylogenetic completeness perspective. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 22(2): e2696.
Guzmán, J.A., J.N. Pinto-Ledezma, D. Frantz, P.A. Townsend, J. Juzwik & J. Cavender-Bares. 2023. Mapping oak wilt disease from space using land surface phenology. Remote Sensing of Environment, 298: 113794.
Moulatlet, G.M., B. Kusumoto, J.N. Pinto-Ledezma, T. Shiono, Y. Kubota & F. Villalobos. 2023. Global patterns of phylogenetic beta diversity components in angiosperms. Journal of Vegetation Science, 34(4): e13203.
Meltesen, K.M., E.T. Whiting, J.N. Pinto-Ledezma, T.S. Cicak & D.L. Fox. 2023. Deconstructing the latitudinal diversity gradient of North American mammals by nominal order. Journal of Mammalogy, 104(4): 707-722.
Pellegrini, A., L. Anderegg, J.N. Pinto-Ledezma, J. Cavender-Bares, S.E. Hobbie & P.R. Reich. 2023. Consistent physiological, ecological, and evolutionary effects of fire regime on conservative leaf economics strategies in plant communities. Ecology Letters, 26(4): 597-608.
Souza, K., D. Fortunato, L. Jardim, L.C. Terribile, M. Lima-Ribeiro, C. Mariano, J.N. Pinto-Ledezma, L.M. Bini, R. Loyola, R. Dobrovolski, T.F.L.V.B. Rangel, I.F. Machado, T. Rocha, M.C. Batista, M.L. Lorini, M.M. Vale, C.A. Navas, N.M. Maciel, F. Villalobos, M.A. Olalla-Tarraga, J.F.M. Rodrigues, S. Gouveia & J.A.F. Diniz-Filho. 2023. Evolutionary rescue and geographic range shifts under climate change for global amphibians. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 1038018.
Rueda-Cediel, P., N. Galic, R. Brain, J.N. Pinto-Ledezma, A. Rico & V. Forbes. 2023. Using life-history trait variation to inform ecological risk assessments for threatened and endangered plant species. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 19(10): 213-223.
Vargas, G., N. Knert, W.M Hammond, Z.C. Berry, L.K. Werden, Ch.M. Smith-Martin, B.T. Wolfe, L. Toro, A. Mondragón-Botero, J.N. Pinto-Ledezma, N.B. Schwartz, M. Uriarte, L. Sack, K.L. Anderson-Texeira & J.S. Powers. 2022. Leaf habit affects the distribution of drought sensitivity but no water transport efficiency in the tropics. Ecology Letters, 25(12): 2637-2650.
Velasco¶, J.A. & J.N. Pinto-Ledezma¶. 2022. Mapping species diversification metrics in macroecology: Prospects and challenges. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 951271.
Arango, A., J.N. Pinto-Ledezma, O. Rojas-Soto, A.M. Lindsay, C.D. Mendenhall & F. Villalobos. 2022. Hand-Wing Index as a surrogate for dispersal ability: the case of the Emberizoidea (Aves: Passeriformes) radiation. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 137(1): 137-144.
Fontes, C., J.N. Pinto-Ledezma, A.L. Jacobsen, R.B. Pratt & J. Cavender-Bares. 2022. Adaptive variation among oaks in wood anatomical properties is shaped by climate of origin and shows limited plasticity across environments. Functional Ecology, 36(2): 326-340.
Chaplin-Kramer, R., K.A. Brauman, J. Cavender-Bares, S. Díaz, G.T. Duarte, B.J. Enquist, L.A. Garibaldi, J. Geldmann, B.S. Halpern, T.W. Hertel, C.K. Khoury, J.M. Krieger, S. Lavorel, T. Mueller, R.A. Neugarten, J.N. Pinto-Ledezma, S. Polasky, A. Purvis, V. Reyes-García, P.R. Roehrdanz, L.J. Shannon, M.R. Shaw, B.N. Strassburg, J.M. Tylianakis, P.H. Verburg, P. Visconti & N. Zafra-Calvo. 2022. Conservation needs to integrate knowledge across scales. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 6: 118-119.
Pinto-Ledezma, J.N. & J. Cavender-Bares. 2021. Predicting species distributions and community composition using satellite remote sensing predictors. Scientific Reports, 11: 16448.
Cavender-Bares, J., P.R. Reich, P.A. Townsend, A. Banerjee, E. Butler, A. Desai, A. Gevens, S. Hobbie, F. Isbell, E. Laliberté, J.E. Meireles, H. Menninger, R.P. Pavlick, J.N. Pinto-Ledezma, C. Potter, M.C. Schuman, N. Springer, A. Stefanski, P. Trivedi, A. Trowbridge, L. Williams, C.G. Willis & Y. Yang. 2021. BII-Implementation: The causes and consequences of plant biodiversity across scales in a rapidly changing world. Research Ideas and Outcomes, 7: e63850.
Pinto-Ledezma, J.N., F. Villalobos, P.R. Reich, J.A. Catford, D.L. Larkin & J. Cavender-Bares. 2020. Testing Darwin’s naturalization conundrum based on taxonomic, phylogenetic and functional dimensions of vascular plants. Ecological Monographs, 90(4): e01420.
Cavender-Bares, J., C. Fontes & J.N. Pinto-Ledezma. 2020. Open questions in understanding the adaptive significance of plant functional trait variation within a single lineage. New Phytologist, 227(3): 659-663.
Pinto-Ledezma, J.N. & J. Cavender-Bares. 2020. Using remote sensing for modeling and monitoring species distributions. In Cavender-Bares, J., J. Gamon & P. Townsend (Eds.) Remote Sensing of Plant Biodiversity. Springer Remote Sensing/Photogrammetry Series.
Cavender-Bares, J., A. Schweiger, J.N. Pinto-Ledezma & J.E. Meireles. 2020. Applying remote sensing to biodiversity science. In Cavender-Bares, J., J. Gamon & P. Townsend (Eds.) Remote Sensing of Plant Biodiversity. Springer Remote Sensing/Photogrammetry Series.
Villalobos, F., J.N. Pinto-Ledezma & J.A.F. Diniz-Filho. 2020. Evolutionary macroecology and the geographical patterns of Neotropical diversification. In Rull, V. & A.C. Carnaval (Eds.) Neotropical diversification: patterns and processes. Springer Nature.
Pinto-Ledezma, J.N., A.E. Jahn, V.R. Cueto, J.A.F. Diniz-Filho & F. Villalobos. 2019. Corrigendum for Pinto-Ledezma et al. (2019). The American Naturalist, 193(6): 897.
Pinto-Ledezma, J.N., A.E. Jahn, V.R. Cueto, J.A.F. Diniz-Filho & F. Villalobos. 2019. Drives of phylogenetic assemblage structure of the Furnariides, a widespread clade of lowland Neotropical birds. The American Naturalist, 193(2): E41-E56. Data from this paper is available on DRYAD; DOI: 10.5061/dryad.h3390h5
Contributing author in: Cavender-Bares, J. et al. Chapter 3 Status and trends of biodiversity and ecosystem functions underpinning nature’s benefit to people. In IPBES (2019): The IPBES regional assessment report on biodiversity and ecosystem services for the Americas. 207-362 Pp. Rice et al. (Eds.). Secretariat of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, Bonn, Germany.
- Pinto-Ledezma, J.N., D. Larkin & J. Cavender-Bares. 2018. Patterns of beta diversity of vascular plants and their correspondence with biome boundaries across North America. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 6: 194.
Pinto-Ledezma, J.N., L. Simon, J.A.F. Diniz-Filho & F. Villalobos. 2017. The geographic diversification of Furnariides: the role of forest versus open habitats in driving species richness gradients. Journal of Biogeography, 44(8): 1683-1693.
Pereira, E., J.N. Pinto-Ledezma, C. de Freitas, F. Villalobos, R. Collevati & N. Medeiros. 2017. Evolution of anuran foam nest: trait conservatism and lineage diversification. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 122(4): 814-823.
Cseko, E., W. Franca-Rocha, T. Moura & J.N. Pinto-Ledezma. 2017. New range limit of the Broad-tipped Hermit (Anopetia gounellei, Aves: Trochilidae): the state of art and a review on the range area. Pápeis avulsos de Zoologia, 57(21): 275-285.
Villarroel, D., G.M. Aramayo, M.T. Martínez, C.E.B. Proença, C.B.R. Munhoz, B.B. Klitgaard, J.N. Pinto-Ledezma & M.H. Nee. 2017. Historia Natural del Cerro Mutún: VI. Checklist, estado de conservación y nuevos registros para Bolivia (Natural Histoy of the Cerro Mutún: VI. Checklist, conservation status and new records for Bolivia). Kempffiana, 13(2):29-74.
Pinto-Ledezma, J.N., M.A. Montenegro, & D. Villarroel. 2017. Historial Natural del Cerro Mutún: V. la avifauna (Natural Histoy of the Cerro Mutún: V. The avifauna). Kempffiana, 13(2):11-28.
Earlier work
††Pinto, M.A., †K. Mano-Cuellar, D. Villarroel & J.N. Pinto-Ledezma. 2016. Historia Natural del Cerro Mutún IV: la herpetofauna (Natural Histoy of the Cerro Mutún: IV. The herpetofauna). Kempffiana, 13(1): 116-128.
Pinto-Ledezma, J.N. & D. Villarroel. 2016. Historia Natural del Cerro Mutún: I. Síntesis geográfica, geofísica, climática y socioeconómica (Natural Histoy of the Cerro Mutún: I. Geographical, geophysical, climatic and socioeconomic synthesis). Kempffiana, 12(2): 29-38.
†Sosa, R., C. Schalk, L. Braga & J.N. Pinto-Ledezma. 2015. Rhinella amboroensis (Cochabamba toad). Herpetological Review, 46(2): 214.
†Pinto. M.A. & J.N. Pinto-Ledezma. 2015. Listado preliminar de anfibios de la propiedad Benevento (Santa Cruz, Bolivia) (A preliminar list of the amphibians from the Benevento property). Kempffiana, 11(1): 23-27.
†Pinto, M.A., D. García, †K. Mano & J.N. Pinto-Ledezma. 2015. Listado de anfibios y reptiles de la propiedad Juan Deriba, Santa Cruz, Bolivia (A preliminar list of the amphibians and reptiles from the Juan Deriva property). Kempffiana, 11(1): 70-75.
†Mano, K., †M.A. Pinto, †R. Sosa, D. Villarroel & J.N. Pinto-Ledezma. 2015. Reptile fauna of the Mutún region (Santa Cruz department, Bolivia): species list and conservation status. Kempffiana, 11(1): 66-69.
Pinto-Ledezma, J.N. & M.L. Rivero. 2014. Temporal patterns of deforestation and fragmentation in Lowland Bolivia: Implications for climate change. Climatic Change, 127: 43–54.
Pinto-Ledezma, J.N., T.J. Caballero, B. Flores, V.N. Perez, †K. Mano & †M.A. Pinto. 2014. Lista preliminar de las aves de la propiedad Juan Deriba, Santa Cruz, Bolivia (A Preliminar list of the birds from the Juan Deriva property). Kempffiana, 10(2): 20-30.
†Sosa, R., L. Braga & J.N. Pinto-Ledezma. 2014. The amphibian fauna of the Southwest Amboró National Park, Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Kempffiana, 10(2): 31-35.
Jahn, A.E., D. Levey, V. Cueto, J.N. Pinto-Ledezma, D. Tuero, J.W. Fox, & D. Masson. 2013. Long-distance bird migration in South America as revealed by light-level geolocators. The AUK, 130(2): 223-229.
Jahn, A.E., V. Cueto, J.W. Fox, M.S. Husak, J.N. Pinto-Ledezma, D.H. Kim, D.V. Landoll, H.K. Lepage, D.J. Levey, M.T. Murphy & R.B. Renfrew. 2013. Migration timing and wintering areas of three species of Tyrannus flycatchers breeding in the great plains of North America. The AUK, 130(2): 247-257.
Pinto-Ledezma, J.N. & M.A. Aponte. 2013. Algunas notas sobre la reproducción de aves en la Reserva de Vida Silvestre Ríos Blanco y Negro. Kempffiana, 9(1): 21-25.
†Sosa, R., L. Braga, Ch. M. Schalk & J.N. Pinto-Ledezma. 2013. Clelia langeri (NCN) diet. Herpetological Review, 43:657.
†Sosa, R., L. Braga, Ch. M. Schalk & J.N. Pinto-Ledezma. Micrurus serranus (NCN) diet. Herpetological Review, 44(1): 155.
†Sosa, R., L. Braga, Ch. M. Schalk & J.N. Pinto-Ledezma. 2013. Phylodryas psammohidea (Gunther’s green racer) diet. Herpetological Bulletin, 124: 24.
Pinto-Ledezma, J.N., R. Sosa, M. Paredes, I. García, D. Villarroel, & S. Muyucundo. 2011. The Hyacinth macaw (Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus): population status and its conservation in Bolivian Pantanal. Kempffiana, 7(2): 15-37.
Jahn, A., J.N. Pinto-Ledezma, D.J. Levey & A.M. Mamani. 2010. Patterns of home range size and habitat occupancy of Tropical Kingbird (Tyrannus m. melancholicus) in the southern Amazon Basin. Ornitología Neotropical, 12: 39-46.
Pinto-Ledezma, J.N. & T. Ruiz de Centurión. 2010. Patrones de deforestación y fragmentación 1976-2006 en el municipio de San Julián (Santa Cruz, Bolivia). Ecología en Bolivia, 45(2): 101-115.
Villarroel, D., J.N. Pinto-Ledezma, T. Ruiz de Centurión & A. Parada. 2009. Relaciones entre la cobertura arbórea y herbácea en tres fisonomías del Cerrado sensu lato (Cerro Mutún, Santa Cruz, Bolivia). Ecología en Bolivia, 44(2): 83-98.
Pinto-Ledezma, J.N. 2006. Evolución del paisaje y estado de conservación de la reserva forestal el Choré. Kempffiana, 1(2): 45-56.
Bala, A., J.N. Pinto-Ledezma & Z.A. Reshi. Phylogenetic relatedness of plant species co-occurring with an invasive alien plant species (Anthemis cotula L.) varies with elevation.
Velasco, J.A., G. Campillo-García, J.N. Pinto-Ledezma & O. Villela-Flores. Spatiotemporal dimensions of a reproductive life history trait in a spiny lizard radiation (Squamata: Phrynosomatidae).
Simon, L., J.N. Pinto-Ledezma, R.R. Dunn & T.F.L.V.B. Rangel. Urban warming inverse contribution on risk of dengue transmission in the southeastern North America.
Souza, K., J.N. Pinto-Ledezma, M. Telles, T. Soares, L. Chaves, C. Ruas, R. Dobrovolski, J.A.F. Diniz-Filho. How to measure the influence of landscape population genetic structure: developing resistance surfaces using a pattern-oriented modeling approach.
Book and chapters non-peer-reviewed
Mostacedo, B., M. Toledo, D. Villarroel, J.N. Pinto-Ledezma, G. Carreño-Rocabado, B. Flores & Y. Uslar. 2014. Memorias del IV Congreso Boliviano de Ecología. 4-6 de junio 2014. Universidad Autónoma Gabriel Rene Moreno, Santa Cruz, Bolivia.
Azurduy, H. & J.N. Pinto-Ledezma. 2012. El escenario ecológico y geográfico. 6-13 pp. En: Azurduy y Rivero (Eds.). Historia Natural de la Serranía Incahuasi. NHNNKM/Total.
Villarroel, D., L. Arroyo, & J.N. Pinto-Ledezma. 2009. La vegetación de Bella Vista. 45-68 Pp. En: Arroyo y Churchill (Eds.). Investigaciones botánicas en la región de Bella Vista, departamento de Santa Cruz, Bolivia: una base para la conservación. Museo de Historia Natural Noel Kempff y Missouri Botanical Graden.